Nasa space shuttle tracker
Nasa space shuttle tracker

You should see a slowly moving "star" (weather permitting). To see the spacecraft, look in the direction indicated by "Approach" at the given time. "Duration" indicates the length of each sighting in minutes.

nasa space shuttle tracker

When you look at the results, "Pass Start" is the instant the satellite first becomes visible and is listed for your time zone. Each pass is centered on the screen, so be sure to note which direction you'll need to look for the satellite. The display's background is color coded to help distinguish between daytime, twilight, or nighttime observations. You can save your observing location for use at a later time. To change the location, select your country and city, or enter in your latitude, longitude, and time zone, and the observing tool will calculate potential passes over the next five days. Tool, which launches in a new window, you'll find predictions custom-generated for your location. Plan ahead for spectacular astrophotography opportunities, or just head outdoors and watch humanity's creations pass beside solar-system marvels. Will alert you if the ISS or Hubble is due to come within 10° of any naked-eye planet, the Moon, or the Sun. (Never attempt to observe the Sun without an appropriately filtered telescope!)Ĭalculate when the International Space Station or Hubble Space Telescope will be visible from your location, and find out what path the satellite will take across the sky as it passes overhead.

nasa space shuttle tracker

Our Satellite Transit ToolĬan help you capture moments like these. Have you ever wondered how photographers manage to catch the instant that the International Space Station passes in front of the Sun or Moon? It's not luck - such shots take careful planning. Launch our Satellite Transit Tool! Giuseppe Pitrecca captured the International Space Station as it passed in front of the Sun.

Nasa space shuttle tracker